主要科研成果与奖励(主持项目、获奖、著作、代表性论文) 主持项目(时间倒序): 1、国家重点研发计划“农业生物种质资源挖掘与创新利用”专项,22YFD1201502,多基因高效聚合育种技术研究,2022/12-2027/11,80万元,参与,在研。 2、国家自然科学基金面上项目,32272075,基于多组学联合分析鉴定的ZmACBP5响应盐胁迫的分子机制研究,2023/1-2026/12,54万元,主持,在研。 3、山东省自然科学省属高校优秀青年联合基金项目,ZR2019YQ15,基于脂质组和系统生物学策略解析玉米复杂数量性状的遗传基础,2019/7-2022/6,30万元,主持,在研。 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31771797,利用动态关联分析解析玉米籽粒油脂代谢的遗传和分子机制,2018/1-2021/12,63万元,结题。 5、国家重点研发计划“七大农作物育种”重点专项子任务,2016YFD0100503,玉米营养和健康功能品质形成与改良的分子基础,2016/07-2021/07,90万元,结题。 6、国家自然科学基金青年项目,31401388,玉米籽粒基因表达异方差性的遗传机理研究,2015/01-2017/12,26 万元,主持,结题。 7、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目,BS2014NY002,玉米籽粒基因对共表达模式变化的遗传机理研究、2014/12-2016/12,8 万元,主持,结题。 8、山东省高等学校科技计划项目项目,J16LF07,玉米产量性状表型变异方差的遗传机理及分子育种,2016/9-2018/8,5.5 万元,主持,结题。 第一或通讯的科研论文 (#第一作者, *通讯作者;时间倒序): 1 Hui Li*, Alisdair R. Fernie, Xiaohong Yang* (2022) Using systems metabolic engineering strategies for high-oil maize breeding. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 79:102847 2 Tian XL#, Liu JJ#, Liu QC, Xia XY, Peng Y, Alejandra I. Huerta, Yan JB, Li Hui*, Liu WD* (2022) The effects of soil properties, cropping systems and geographic location on soil prokaryotic communities in four maize production regions across China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(7): 2145–2157 3 Zhu JT#, Li WJ, Zhou YY, Pei LM, Liu JJ, Xia XY, Che RH, Li H*. (2021) Molecular characterization, expression and functional analysis of acyl-CoA-binding protein gene family in maize (Zea mays). BMC Plant Biology, 21: 94. 4 Zhu JT#, Zhou YY, Li JL, Li H*. (2021) Genome-wide investigation of the phospholipase C gene family in Zea mays. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 611414. 5 Pei LM#, Liu JJ, Zhou YY, Jiang YH, Li H*. (2021) Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling reveals the protective role of anthocyanins in alleviating low phosphate stress in maize. Physiology Molecular Biology Plants, 27(5): 889–905. 6 Pei LM#, Li HM#, Zhou YY, Li WJ, Jiang YH, Li H*. (2020) Exogenous glycinebetaine application contributes to abiotic stress tolerance in maize. Journal of Plant Biology, DOI:10.1007/s12374-020-09265-3 7 Li H#*, Wang M#, Li WJ#, et al. (2020) Genetic variants and underlying mechanisms influencing variance heterogeneity in maize. The Plant Journal, 103, 1089-1102 8 Liu JJ#, Wang ZQ, Li J, Li H*, Yang LG*. (2020) Genome-wide identification of Diacylglycerol Acyltransferases (DGAT) family genes influencing Milk production in Buffalo. BMC Genetics, 21:26. 9 Li H#, Thrash A, Tang JD, et al. (2019) Leveraging GWAS data to identify metabolic pathways and networks involved in maize lipid biosynthesis. The Plant Journal, 98(5):853-863. 10 Xia XY#, Zhang PP, He LL, Gao XX, Li WJ, Zhou YY, Li ZX*, Li H *, Yang L*. (2019) Effects of tillage managements and maize straw returning on soil microbiome using 16S rDNA sequencing. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61(6): 765-777 11 Pei LM#, Che RH, He LL, Gao XX, Li WJ, Li H*. (2019) Role of Exogenous Glutathione in Alleviating Abiotic Stress in Maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38: 199-215. 12 Xu XQ#, Wang M#, Li LB, Che RH, Li P, Pei LM, Li H*. (2017) Genome-wide trait-trait dynamics correlation study dissects the gene regulation pattern in maize kernels. BMC Plant Biology, 17: 163 13 Xu J#, Li ZG, Yang HR, Yang XH, Chen CX*, Li H*. (2016) Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of a violaxanthin de-epoxidase gene in maize. Frontiers in Genetics, 7: 131 14 Li H#, Peng ZY#, Yang XH#, et al. (2013) Genome-wide association study dissects the genetic architecture of oil biosynthesis in maize kernels. Nature Genetics, 45(1): 43-50 15 Li L#, Li H#, Li Q, et al. (2011) An 11-bp insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmitic acid content of fatty acids in maize grain. PLoS One, 6(9): e24699 授权及申请专利: 1、李慧,许秀勤,车荣会,裴腊明,李鹏,何琳琳,高幸幸。一种基于动态关联分析挖掘玉米籽粒油脂代谢机制的方法(中国)。2020/10/27,专利号:ZL201710169264.3 2、李慧,许秀勤,裴腊明,李鹏,车荣会,高幸幸,何琳琳。一种基于基因对共表达模式动态关联解析玉米籽粒类胡萝卜素代谢调控机制的方法(中国)。2020/12/29, 专利号:ZL201710169156.6 3、李慧,何琳琳,朱建堂,车荣会,高幸幸,李为珺。一种调控拟南芥脂肪酸和淀粉含量的玉米基因ZmNAC77及其应用,2022/7/5,专利号:ZL201910221636.1 4、李慧,何琳琳,朱建堂,夏信遥,周远远。玉米基因ZmNAC77的一个耐盐耐旱新功能及其应用,2022/6/24,专利号:ZL201910221996.1 5、李慧,高幸幸,车荣会,李为珺,何琳琳。一种与玉米籽粒大小相关的分子标记及其应用,2019/3/22,专利申请号:201910226679.9 |